function acceptOffer(uint256 _listingId, address _offeror, address _currency, uint256 _totalPrice) external nonpayable
Lets a listing's creator accept an offer to their direct listing.
Name | Type | Description |
_listingId | uint256 | The unique ID of the listing for which to accept the offer. |
_offeror | address | The address of the buyer whose offer is to be accepted. |
_currency | address | The currency of the offer that is to be accepted. |
_totalPrice | uint256 | The total price of the offer that is to be accepted. |
function buy(uint256 _listingId, address _buyFor, uint256 _quantity, address _currency, uint256 _totalPrice) external payable
Lets someone buy a given quantity of tokens from a direct listing by paying the fixed price.
A sale will fail to execute if either: (1) buyer does not own or has not approved Marketplace to transfer the appropriate amount of currency (or hasn't sent the appropriate amount of native tokens) (2) the lister does not own or has removed Marketplace's approval to transfer the tokens listed for sale.
Name | Type | Description |
_listingId | uint256 | The uid of the direct listing to buy from. |
_buyFor | address | The receiver of the NFT being bought. |
_quantity | uint256 | The amount of NFTs to buy from the direct listing. |
_currency | address | The currency to pay the price in. |
_totalPrice | uint256 | The total price to pay for the tokens being bought. |
function cancelDirectListing(uint256 _listingId) external nonpayable
Lets a direct listing creator cancel their listing.
Name | Type | Description |
_listingId | uint256 | The unique Id of the listing to cancel. |
function closeAuction(uint256 _listingId, address _closeFor) external nonpayable
Lets any account close an auction on behalf of either the (1) auction's creator, or (2) winning bidder. For (1): The auction creator is sent the the winning bid amount. For (2): The winning bidder is sent the auctioned NFTs.
Name | Type | Description |
_listingId | uint256 | The uid of the listing (the auction to close). |
_closeFor | address | For whom the auction is being closed - the auction creator or winning bidder. |
function contractType() external pure returns (bytes32)
Returns the module type of the contract.
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | bytes32 | undefined |
function contractURI() external view returns (string)
Returns the metadata URI of the contract.
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | string | undefined |
function contractVersion() external pure returns (uint8)
Returns the version of the contract.
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | uint8 | undefined |
function createListing(IMarketplace.ListingParameters _params) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_params | IMarketplace.ListingParameters | undefined |
function getPlatformFeeInfo() external view returns (address, uint16)
Returns the platform fee bps and recipient.
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | address | undefined |
_1 | uint16 | undefined |
function offer(uint256 _listingId, uint256 _quantityWanted, address _currency, uint256 _pricePerToken, uint256 _expirationTimestamp) external payable
Lets someone make an offer to a direct listing, or bid in an auction.
Each (address, listing ID) pair maps to a single unique offer. So e.g. if a buyer makes makes two offers to the same direct listing, the last offer is counted as the buyer's offer to that listing.
Name | Type | Description |
_listingId | uint256 | The unique ID of the listing to make an offer/bid to. |
_quantityWanted | uint256 | For auction listings: the 'quantity wanted' is the total amount of NFTs being auctioned, regardless of the value of _quantityWanted passed. For direct listings: _quantityWanted is the quantity of NFTs from the listing, for which the offer is being made. |
_currency | address | For auction listings: the 'currency of the bid' is the currency accepted by the auction, regardless of the value of _currency passed. For direct listings: this is the currency in which the offer is made. |
_pricePerToken | uint256 | For direct listings: offered price per token. For auction listings: the bid amount per token. The total offer/bid amount is _quantityWanted * _pricePerToken . |
_expirationTimestamp | uint256 | For auction listings: inapplicable. For direct listings: The timestamp after which the seller can no longer accept the offer. |
function setContractURI(string _uri) external nonpayable
Sets contract URI for the storefront-level metadata of the contract. Only module admin can call this function.
Name | Type | Description |
_uri | string | undefined |
function setPlatformFeeInfo(address _platformFeeRecipient, uint256 _platformFeeBps) external nonpayable
Lets a module admin update the fees on primary sales.
Name | Type | Description |
_platformFeeRecipient | address | undefined |
_platformFeeBps | uint256 | undefined |
function updateListing(uint256 _listingId, uint256 _quantityToList, uint256 _reservePricePerToken, uint256 _buyoutPricePerToken, address _currencyToAccept, uint256 _startTime, uint256 _secondsUntilEndTime) external nonpayable
Lets a listing's creator edit the listing's parameters. A direct listing can be edited whenever. An auction listing cannot be edited after the auction has started.
Name | Type | Description |
_listingId | uint256 | The uid of the listing to edit. |
_quantityToList | uint256 | The amount of NFTs to list for sale in the listing. For direct listings, the contract only checks whether the listing creator owns and has approved Marketplace to transfer _quantityToList amount of NFTs to list for sale. For auction listings, the contract ensures that exactly _quantityToList amount of NFTs to list are escrowed. |
_reservePricePerToken | uint256 | For direct listings: this value is ignored. For auctions: the minimum bid amount of the auction is reservePricePerToken * quantityToList |
_buyoutPricePerToken | uint256 | For direct listings: interpreted as 'price per token' listed. For auctions: if buyoutPricePerToken is greater than 0, and a bidder's bid is at least as great as buyoutPricePerToken * quantityToList , the bidder wins the auction, and the auction is closed. |
_currencyToAccept | address | For direct listings: the currency in which a buyer must pay the listing's fixed price to buy the NFT(s). For auctions: the currency in which the bidders must make bids. |
_startTime | uint256 | The unix timestamp after which listing is active. For direct listings: 'active' means NFTs can be bought from the listing. For auctions, 'active' means bids can be made in the auction. |
_secondsUntilEndTime | uint256 | No. of seconds after the provided _startTime , after which the listing is inactive. For direct listings: 'inactive' means NFTs cannot be bought from the listing. For auctions: 'inactive' means bids can no longer be made in the auction. |
event AuctionBuffersUpdated(uint256 timeBuffer, uint256 bidBufferBps)
Emitted when auction buffers are updated.
Name | Type | Description |
timeBuffer | uint256 | undefined |
bidBufferBps | uint256 | undefined |
event AuctionClosed(uint256 indexed listingId, address indexed closer, bool indexed cancelled, address auctionCreator, address winningBidder)
Emitted when an auction is closed.
Name | Type | Description |
listingId indexed | uint256 | undefined |
closer indexed | address | undefined |
cancelled indexed | bool | undefined |
auctionCreator | address | undefined |
winningBidder | address | undefined |
event ListingAdded(uint256 indexed listingId, address indexed assetContract, address indexed lister, IMarketplace.Listing listing)
Emitted when a new listing is created.
Name | Type | Description |
listingId indexed | uint256 | undefined |
assetContract indexed | address | undefined |
lister indexed | address | undefined |
listing | IMarketplace.Listing | undefined |
event ListingRemoved(uint256 indexed listingId, address indexed listingCreator)
Emitted when a listing is cancelled.
Name | Type | Description |
listingId indexed | uint256 | undefined |
listingCreator indexed | address | undefined |
event ListingUpdated(uint256 indexed listingId, address indexed listingCreator)
Emitted when the parameters of a listing are updated.
Name | Type | Description |
listingId indexed | uint256 | undefined |
listingCreator indexed | address | undefined |
event NewOffer(uint256 indexed listingId, address indexed offeror, enum IMarketplace.ListingType indexed listingType, uint256 quantityWanted, uint256 totalOfferAmount, address currency)
Emitted when (1) a new offer is made to a direct listing, or (2) when a new bid is made in an auction.
Name | Type | Description |
listingId indexed | uint256 | undefined |
offeror indexed | address | undefined |
listingType indexed | enum IMarketplace.ListingType | undefined |
quantityWanted | uint256 | undefined |
totalOfferAmount | uint256 | undefined |
currency | address | undefined |
event NewSale(uint256 indexed listingId, address indexed assetContract, address indexed lister, address buyer, uint256 quantityBought, uint256 totalPricePaid)
Emitted when a buyer buys from a direct listing, or a lister accepts some buyer's offer to their direct listing.
Name | Type | Description |
listingId indexed | uint256 | undefined |
assetContract indexed | address | undefined |
lister indexed | address | undefined |
buyer | address | undefined |
quantityBought | uint256 | undefined |
totalPricePaid | uint256 | undefined |
event PlatformFeeInfoUpdated(address indexed platformFeeRecipient, uint256 platformFeeBps)
Name | Type | Description |
platformFeeRecipient indexed | address | undefined |
platformFeeBps | uint256 | undefined |